Italian Farmers Market

On Saturday we have a local Italian Farmers Market 
it's a beautiful place in the early morning the vegetables still have there morning dew, 
these are freshly picked vegetables picked with love and the colors of mother nature are 
beautiful take a look! 

Heirloom Tomatoes of every color, fresh celery stalks and zucchini flowers

These vegetables are so well grown ,beets,cucumbers and those figs! So sweet 

Another interesting plant which I really forgot about is a plant where the bean that we all use lately in Hummus. 
Wonder how many people know where that little bean comes from ? 
The name comes from the Latin"cicer". It is known that the name of Cicero was descended from an ancestor that had a distinctive wart-shaped chickpea nose.


The specific name arietinum instead refers to the similarity that have the seeds with the profile of the head of a ram.

I was so tickled to see this what nature does . . . 

This plant Grows everywhere in the world it is loaded with antioxidant vitamins like A and C, also contains omega -3 fatty acids. You can eat the stems and leaves fresh, we use these in salads of sandwiches, also can add them to soups that call for spinach they are related and taste similar. 
Allot of our health food stores will carry these now or just look around in your yard allot of people think there weeds and try to kill them but there strong and don't go away. 
(just be careful where you pick them of course if its an area where we walk our dogs We......ll no...) 
These where picked from a friend that i have known her since i was small picks them along the water canals. 

Ok so when you see these you fall in love with there texture a little zucchini flower that when you have these as an appetizer you will want to eat not just one, below is a recipe for them, now they are a little on the trouble side to make side but follow these steps and you will love these . 

Many versions of fillings 
mozzarella with anchovies 
mozzarella with ham 
mozzarella with ricotta 
the first thing you need to prepare are a pastella or tempura,
 this will cover the flower after you fill them 

flour, sparkling water ,salt pepper 
3 tbs. of flour
2/3 cup of water  
1 tbs. olive oil 
2 egg whites 
in a bowl add flour water and olive oil mix together with fork all at once 
set aside 
beat your egg whites into a foam add this by folding it into the flour and water mixture 
dip in your filled zucchini flower and fry in a vegetable oil turn both sides till golden. 

How to fill 
these flowers need to be clean of the pistal remove them by pulling they usually come out easy , on the outer part there are small little green  pieces sticking out just remove them carefully . DO NOT WASH them they need no washing . 
open slightly the center and fill with small pieces of mozzarella, or burrata is you get get it, add a small piece of anchovy if you like , close the flower and dip it into the pastella you made and fry till golden brown. 
(of course if you want small pieces of  ham, bacon,turkey with the mozzarella ) 

if you are filling it with ricotta 
1/2 cup ricotta 
3 tbs. parmigian cheese
pepper to taste 
(no salt parmigian is salted enough)

mix this slightly and fill these into a flower with the help of a small spoon. 

i will be posting these under appetizer recipes  with more step by step 
picture of this . 
 It really is not  hard it's time consuming but worth it. 

Here is the garlic that has been drying and sold in small little bunches so cute! 

Hope to post another one of our local farmers market soon especially now seeing these colors,there perfumes all the summer
thanking them for  bringing us these  healthy foods, lucky me! 
