Stuffed Red Peppers
4 medium size peppers
½ lb. of Ground Meat
3 slices of stale Bread (softened in milk)
1 tbs. Chopped parsley
1 large garlic clove
2-3 strips of chopped anchovy
1tbs. Chopped Capers
The 1tbs. Chopped green olives
1tbs. Chopped black olives
¼ cup of diced tomato
½ cup of tomato sauce
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Black Pepper
½ cup of virgin olive oil
In a small bowl place your bread with the milk to cover so it absorbs the milk , set aside.
Take your peppers and cut a small ¼ inch piece of the top set aside, take out the” lobes “ of the pepper by gently cutting the veins holding it gently give it a small twist. Place the top and the pepper into a pan for filling.
In a large bowl place your, meat, parsley,anchovy,capers, green-black olives, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, salt, pepper , mix
To the above bowl, squeeze the excess milk out of the bread , adding the bread to the mix above, mix well till well incorporated.
Now your ready to fill your peppers add a little olive oil to the inside by brushing it then proceed to pack in your filling, place your top back on, place it it the pan do this thill all peppers are filled.
Drizzle some olive oil over then season them with salt and pepper.
Place in your preheated oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes depending on the size, then uncover being very careful to remove the foil it builds up steam! Place back in oven for about 10-15 allowing your peppers to get crisp top.
Enjoy this recipe, remember you can use any type of meat or make them meatless
If you make them meatless add cooked rice, for 4 papers about 2 cups .
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